
Chetna Foundation (Autism Institute of Training and Research)
Empowering Parents: How to Advocate for Your Child’s Speech Therapy Needs
March 31, 2024 / Dr. Santosh Kumar

Empowering Parents: How to Advocate for Your Child’s Speech Therapy Needs

As a parent, you are your child’s most powerful advocate, especially when it comes to their speech therapy needs. Communication skills are vital for a child’s development, and if you believe your child may benefit from speech therapy, it’s crucial to take proactive steps to ensure that they receive the support they need.

Recognizing the Signs

The first step in advocating for your child’s speech therapy needs is recognizing the signs that they may require additional support. Some common signs include difficulty pronouncing certain sounds, trouble understanding or following instructions, limited vocabulary for their age, and struggles with social interaction due to communication barriers. If you notice any of these signs in your child, it’s essential to seek an evaluation from a qualified speech-language pathologist (SLP).

Seeking Evaluation and Diagnosis

Once you’ve recognized potential signs of speech difficulties in your child, the next step is to seek a professional evaluation and diagnosis. Schedule an appointment with a licensed SLP who can assess your child’s speech and language skills comprehensively.

During the evaluation, the SLP will observe your child’s communication abilities, conduct standardized assessments and gather information about his/her developmental history. Based on the evaluation results, the SLP will provide a diagnosis and recommendations for intervention if necessary.

Understanding the Speech Therapy Options

After receiving a diagnosis, it’s essential to understand the various speech therapy options available for your child. Speech therapy can take place in different settings including schools, clinics, or private practices.

Depending on your child’s needs and preferences, therapy sessions may be conducted one-on-one with the SLP, in small groups or even through teletherapy sessions conducted online. Additionally, speech therapy techniques can vary widely, including articulation therapy, language intervention, fluency therapy, and pragmatic language therapy.

Advocating for Services

As a parent, advocating for your child’s speech therapy services involves effectively communicating with educators, therapists and other professionals involved in your child’s care. Be proactive in requesting an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a 504 plan if your child requires special accommodations in school due to their speech difficulties.

Collaborate with the school’s special education team to ensure that your child’s therapy goals are aligned with their educational needs and that they receive the necessary support services.

Supporting Your Child’s Progress

Beyond securing speech therapy services, it’s essential to support your child’s progress outside of therapy sessions. Encourage regular practice of speech exercises and activities at home and provide positive reinforcement for their efforts and achievements.

Stay engaged with your child’s therapists and educators, attending progress meetings and seeking updates on their development. By actively participating in your child’s speech therapy journey, you can empower them to reach their full potential in communicational skills.


Advocating for your child’s speech therapy needs is a testament of your commitment for their future success. By recognizing signs, seeking evaluation, understanding therapy options and advocating for services, you pave the way for their growth.

Embrace every milestone, seek support and keep empowering your child to communicate with confidence. Together, let’s ensure every child’s right to be heard and valued, shaping a future where their voices shine brightly.

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